Elkarlan Sariak
Berriak Ingurumena eta Lurralde Politika

Ander Caballero´k -Estatu Batuetan eta Kanadan Eusko Jaurlaritzaren ordezkariak- New York´eko Climate Week-ean parte hartuko du


Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako eta Kanadako ordezkari Ander Caballerok, Kalifornia, Gales, Rhone-Alpeak, Baden-Württemberg eta Quebec eskualde, herrialde eta estatuetako ordezkariekin batera, The Climate Group aliantzako beste kide batzuen artean –aliantzako Europako burua Euskadi da–, 2015eko New Yorkeko Klimaren Astean parte hartuko du. Hilaren 22an hasiko da eta Nazio Batuek abenduan Parisen egingo duten goi-bileran klimaren inguruko akordio batera iristeko ahalegina egitea du helburu. Irailaren 28ra arte, New Yorken Climate Week topaketa eta Garapen Jasangarriaren Goi Bilera egingo dira, NBEren babespean.


Egun horietan, munduko liderrek garapen jasangarriko helburuak (GJH) lortzeko ingurumen, ekonomia eta gizarte arloetako gaiak nola programatu eztabaidatuko dute eta Eusko Jaurlaritza, bere ordezkaritzaren bitartez, ekitaldi garrantzitsuenetako batzuetan izango da.


Eusko Jaurlaritzak, The Climate Groupeko Estatuen eta Eskualdeen Aliantzako Europako presidentekide gisa, 2015eko New Yorkeko Klimaren Asteko ekitaldi nagusian parte hartuko du, Ander Caballerok ordezkatuta. Ekitaldi hori hilaren 28an egingo da eta honako lelo hau izango du: «Parisko dibidendua ziurtatzea: lidergoa eta berrikuntza, ekonomia jasangarri baterako». Frantzisko aita santuak planeta zaintzeko deialdi bat egingo du, aste horretan bertan.



At the same time it will also take place the NYC Climate Week. Some of the events included below also refer to activities join that scenario.

Calendar of events related to subnational governments

New York City, 24-28 September

Thursday, 24 September

Signing Ceremony for the “Under 2 MOU” Climate Change Agreement

Tishman Auditorium, New School University, 63 5th Ave, New York, NY 10003 |18:00-19:00

Event hosted by California Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr. welcoming new global signatories to the Under 2 MOU, a Subnational Global Climate Leadership Memorandum of Understanding. The Under 2 MOU is a first-of-its-kind agreement amongst states, provinces and other subnational jurisdictions from around the world to limit the increase in global average temperature to below 2 degrees Celsius. The pact builds momentum, strengthens collaboration and provides a template for the world's nations to follow as work continues on an international agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions ahead of the COP in Paris.

“Cities driving sustainable development: endorsing the SDGs & committing to their implementation”. Co-organized by Global Taskforce

Tishman Auditorium, New School University, 63 5th Ave, New York, NY 10003 |19:00-20:45

This event will bring together world-leading Mayors and local government representatives to pledge their support for the UN’s new Sustainable Development Goals and to commit to implement the agenda between now and 2030.

Friday, 25 September

nrg4SD breakfast

Catalan Delegation to the United States, Canada and Mexico, located on 360 Lexington Avenue,  8.00h–9.15h  .

UN Sustainable Development Summit - Opening

General Assembly Hall – UNHQ |09:00-11:00

Pope Francis Speech

UNHQ |10:00 Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (nrg4SD) Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 227 - B-1040 Brussels, Belgium nrg4sd@nrg4sd.org - www.nrg4sd.org

 UN Sustainable Development Summit – Plenary meeting

General Assembly Hall – UNHQ |11:00-13:00

UN Sustainable Development Summit – Interactive Dialogue 1: Ending Poverty and Hunger

Trusteeship Council Chamber - UNHQ |12:00-15:00

The new 2030 Agenda for sustainable development highlights the strong commitment to ending poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including by eradicating extreme poverty by 2030. Leaving no one behind will require a multi-dimensional view of poverty and hunger that addresses social, economic and environmental drivers.

UN Sustainable Development Summit – Interactive Dialogue 2: Tackling inequalities, empowering women and girls and leaving no one behind

Trusteeship Council Chamber* - UNHQ |15:00-18:00

The new SDG agenda is underpinned by a strong commitment to reduce inequalities within and between countries, to eliminate all forms of discrimination and to review disaggregated data to ‘reach the furthest behind first’.

UN Sustainable Development Summit – Plenary Meeting

General Assembly Hall - UNHQ|15:00-18:00

Saturday, 26 September

Post-2015 Summit Side Event: Sustainable Development in a New Era: Building a Framework for Participation at the National and Regional Levels

New York, UN Church Centre | 09:00-11:00

Participant will be invited to share their national and regional plans to engage governments as thy choose indicators, prepare their national development strategies and adopt monitoring and review mechanisms compatible with their national circumstances.

“No transformation without localization: How a strong focus on the subnational level is essential for the effective implementation of the Post-2015 Development Agenda”

Organized by GTF, UNCDF and the Government of Uganda

Grand Hyatt Hotel | 09:00-11:00

This event aims to identify innovative models to strengthen capacity, governance, service delivery and financial ability of LG to meet the SDG, how to take these models to secondary cities, peri-urban and rural urban areas in the Least Developed Countries and to launch UNCDF initiative on Municipal Finance.

“A Call for Joint Action to Achieve the SDGs: Advancing Integrated Solutions to Accelerate Change”

Conference Room 4, UN Conference Building | 10:00–13:00 The event will provide a platform to focus international attention on the role of multi-stakeholder partnerships that work across regions and at multiple scales to achieve collective impact through agenda-setting, policy change, communications and on-the-ground implementation.

Organized by: ICLEI, WRI, UN-Habitat, UN-NGLS, UNDP, UNEP, IUCN and WWF.

UN Private Sector Forum 2015

Delegates Dining Room, UNHQ |11:00-15:00

Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (nrg4SD) Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 227 - B-1040 Brussels, Belgium nrg4sd@nrg4sd.org - www.nrg4sd.org

 Post-2015 Summit Side Event - Engagement at the Global Level: The Role of MGoS in the UN System, Including the High Level Political Forum

New York, UN Church Centre | 11:00-13:00

The Post-2015 draft outcome document requests the Secretary-General to prepare a report in preparation for the 2016 meeting of the HLPF “which outlines critical milestones towards coherent, efficient and inclusive follow-up and review at the global level” and “clarifies institutional responsibilities and provides guidance on annual themes, on a sequence of thematic reviews, and on options for periodic reviews for the HLPF.” Participants will consider recommendations on how the MGoS will coordinate their engagement in the modalities of the HLPF as well as other UN bodies, programmes and specialized agencies in the implementation, review and monitoring of the SDGs.`

 “Monitoring by the People for the People: How can civil society and citizen-generated data drive accountability for the 2030 agenda?”

Church Center for the UN, E 44th St |12:45 - 15:00

Organized by DataShift, this open, interactive event taking place during the opening of the 70th session of the UN General Assembly will explore how to harness the power of civil society and citizen-generated data for monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

UN Sustainable Development Summit – Plenary Meeting

General Assembly Hall - UNHQ |09:00–13:00

UN Sustainable Development Summit – Interactive Dialogue 3: Fostering sustainable economic growth and transformation and promoting sustainable consumption and production

Trusteeship Council Chamber - UNHQ |10:00-13:00

Sustainable development is the international community’s response to emerging global dilemmas. The idea of sustainability is a powerful one which calls for balanced and integrated consideration of the economic, the social and the environmental dimensions.

Participation of Dr. Patricia Iglecias Secretary for the Environment of São Paulo State and nrg4SD Vice-president for America,

UN Sustainable Development Summit – Interactive Dialogue 4: Protecting our Planet and Combatting Climate Change

Trusteeship Council Chamber - UNHQ |15:00-18:00

The new 2030 Agenda recognizes that climate change is one of the greatest challenges of our time and its adverse impacts undermine the ability of all countries to achieve sustainable development. Action is needed to ensure that development benefits the world’s poorest and most vulnerable, as well as to put countries on a road to a resilient and sustainable development path towards a low carbon future.

UN Sustainable Development Summit – Plenary Meeting

General Assembly Hall - UNHQ |15:00-21:00

Formal meetings Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (nrg4SD) Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 227 - B-1040 Brussels, Belgium nrg4sd@nrg4sd.org - www.nrg4sd.org


Sunday, 27 September

UN Sustainable Development Summit – Plenary Meeting

General Assembly Hall - UNHQ | 09:00-13:00

GTF Meeting – Planning the SDGs Implementation at Local and Regional Levels

Grand Hyatt Hotel – Ballroom V |08:15-10:30

The technical meetings of the GTF aim at fostering exchange among the different institutional parts of the network and at actively defining priorities and concrete actions together. It should increase ownership of the global taskforce agendas by its members and increase interactions among them and its partners.

Sustainable Development Goals as an Opportunity to Strengthen the New Urban Agenda

Organized by GTF and Cities Alliance

Grand Hyatt Hotel – Ballroom V | 10:30 – 15:30

This event is a technical Workshop of the Cities Alliance Joint Work Programme in support of the preparation process for the Post 2015 Agenda / Sustainable Development Goals towards Habitat III.

United Nations Advisory Committee on Local Authorities (UNACLA) meeting

Permanent Mission of Turkey to the United Nations (tbc) |15:00-17:00

The aim is to leverage the opportunity of the Post-2015 Summit to convene the UNACLA members to discuss their involvement in the implementation and development of indicators on Goal 11. Also, the meeting seeks to further the work on localization of the SDGs by UNACLA members in their cities.

UN Sustainable Development Summit – Interactive Dialogue 5: Building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions

Trusteeship Council Chamber - UNHQ | 10:00-13:00

The new 2030 Agenda recognizes the need to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies that provide equal access to justice and that are based on respect for human rights (including the right to development), on effective rule of law and good governance at all levels and on transparent, effective and accountable institutions.

Beyond 2015 High-Level Event: “Implementing the post-2015 agenda - building political leadership for transformative change”

UN HQ, UN Conference Room 1| 13:15 – 14:30

Organized by Beyond-2015.

UN Sustainable Development Summit – Interactive Dialogue 6: A strengthened Global Partnership for Realizing the Post-2015 Development Agenda

Trusteeship Council Chamber - UNHQ | 14:00-17:00

The Global Partnership will facilitate an intensive global engagement in support of implementation of all the Goals and targets, bringing together Governments, the private sector, civil society, the United Nations system and other actors and mobilizing all available resources.

UN Sustainable Development Summit – Plenary Meeting

General Assembly Hall - UNHQ | 15:00-18:00

Solutions Summit

UNHQ | All day

The Solutions Summit is a catalytic gathering that marks the beginning of a longer-term grassroots effort to lift-up exceptional innovators developing solutions that address the sustainable development goals.


Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development (nrg4SD) Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 227 - B-1040 Brussels, Belgium nrg4sd@nrg4sd.org - www.nrg4sd.org


Monday, 28 September

Making Sustainable Urbanisation Happen in the Post 2015 Era organized by Communitas

Ford Foundation, East River Room| 15:00-18:00

This high level event aims to examine the question of how to enable and operationalize the achievement of sustainable urbanization at the international, national, subnational and local levels and to identify and assess the potential contributions of various stakeholders and multi-stakeholder partnerships.

This is a closed event, should you wish to join, please confirm to the Secretariat before Friday 18 September.

Securing a Paris dividend: Leadership and innovation for a strong, sustainable economy (The Climate Group Signature Event)

Florence Gould Hall,55 East 59th Street - bt. Park & Madison NY, New York10022 | 9:30-14:30


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  • Argazkia SN Robot
  • Argazkia SN Robot
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