La nueva Plataforma de Ciudades Sostenibles y la “Declaración Vasca”, en Hábitat III, Quito
- Albert Edman, responsable de desarrollo estratégico de Umea, Suecia: “la Declaración Vasca puede ayudar a las ciudades para avanzar hacia la sostenibilidad”
Quito 18 10 16
Coincidiendo con la presentación de la “Declaración Vasca” Basque Declaration de Ciudades y Regiones Sostenibles, se ha promovido, en la III Conferencia Hábitat que se desarrolla en Quito, la nueva Plataforma de Ciudades Sostenibles Sustainable Cities Platform, promovida por Iclei, que promueve acciones de transformación urbana y social. La Plataforma divulgará ejemplos concretos de 15 rutas y acciones seguidos por las ciudades y pueblos más inclusivos, resilientes y productivos.
La promoción de la Plataforma de Ciudades Sostenibles ha formado parte de la presentación de la “Declaración Vasca” en Hábitat III. Ruud Schuthof, director Regional Adjunto de la Secretaría Europea ICLEI, ha sido el encargado de presentar la Declaración Vasca. La “Declaración Vasca” se basa en la Carta y Compromisos de Aalborg, y ha sido suscrita por más de 800 ciudades y regiones y 250 autoridades locales, organizaciones y personalidades, participantes en la 8ª Conferencia Europea de Ciudades y Pueblos Sostenibles celebrada en Bilbao el pasado mes de abril.
La Declaración Vasca observa una estrecha relación con diferentes marcos mundiales, como los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, el Acuerdo sobre el Clima de París y la Nueva Agenda Urbana. Ruud Schuthof ha mostrado en Quito las primeras acciones transformadoras que ya están disponibles en el sitio web de Iclei y de HIII.
Los representantes del Gobierno Vasco en la Conferencia Habitat III han comentado “cómo Euskadi ha progresado hacia la sostenibilidad convirtiéndose en un ejemplo europeo”.
En los grupos de trabajos promovidos por Iclei han participado además Pekka Sauri, Teniente de Alcalde de Helsinki, Finlandia; y Oliver Weigel, director de la División de Políticas de Desarrollo Urbano del Ministerio Federal de Medio Ambiente, Protección de la Naturaleza, Construcción y Seguridad Nuclear de Alemania. Albert Edman, responsable de desarrollo estratégico de la Ciudad de Umea, Suecia, ha considerado que “la Declaración Vasca puede ayudar a las ciudades para avanzar hacia la sostenibilidad y apoyar a los gobiernos nacionales para poner en práctica sus compromisos a nivel mundial”.
En los actos que se desarrollan esta semana en la Cumbre del Hábitat de Quito el Gobierno Vasco está representado por la Viceconsejera de Administración y Política territorial Izaskun Iriarte y la secretaria general de Acción Exterior Marian Elorza.
For immediate release
Basque Declaration plots pathway to implement the New Urban Agenda
Quito, Ecuador, 18 October 2016 - The Basque Declaration was presented on Monday at an official side event of the Habitat III conference, taking place in Quito (Ecuador) from 17 – 20 October. The Basque Declaration provides urban societies with pathways to become productive, sustainable and resilient. By mapping a route to more sustainable societies, it paves the way to implement the New Urban Agenda, the primary outcome of the Habitat III conference.
The Basque Declaration is a strong call to involve citizens in co-designing and co-implementing a societal transformation with a focus on boosting local value chains, applying innovative approaches to financing and moving towards a circular economy. It supports social cohesion, and developing a liveable planet for these and future generations. The Basque Declaration builds upon the Aalborg Charter (1994) and the Aalborg Commitments (2004). The declaration was first adopted by over 800 local and regional leaders taking part in the 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns, held in Bilbao, Basque Country, from 27-29 April 2016. To date, around 300 local leaders, organisations and citizens have additionally endorsed the document.
The Quito event also saw the launch of the Sustainable Cities Platform (, a website that will showcase transformative actions implemented by cities and organisations to move toward more inclusive and productive societies. The platform aims to inspire local authorities around the world to take actions that help national governments to achieve global commitments.
“Regional and local governments are leading the way in the development of transformative actions necessary to implement the new Urban Agenda and the UN Sustainable Development Goals worldwide. The Basque Declaration inspires cities to undertake action in an integrated way, moving from policies solely based on economic results to wider environmental and social engagement and inclusion,” said Ana Oregi, Minister for Environment and Territorial Policy, Basque Government, and President of Udalsarea 21, Basque Network of Municipalities for Sustainability.
Pekka Sauri, Deputy Mayor, Helsinki (Finland) and Chair of the ICLEI European Regional Executive Committee, said: “By acclaiming The Basque Declaration, local governments have indicated their readiness for action and their willingness to help national governments in the implementation of the frameworks that have been adopted, such as the Paris Climate Agreement, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and, likely soon, the New Urban Agenda. By supporting local governments to deliver on these actions, national governments are helping themselves to meet their commitments”.
“We as cities must take on the responsibility of transforming our societies. The Basque Declaration is an important guide for cities in this process. With the Sustainable Cities Platform we have the opportunity to not only share successful transformative actions, but to learn from successes and together carry the responsibility,” added Thomas Kastrup-Larsen, Mayor of Aalborg Municipality (Denmark).
The declaration will also be presented at a separate session held by the City of Quito on Wednesday 19 October. The session will see cities present their transformative actions to inspire others to do the same.
Sustainable Cities Platform
The European Sustainable Cities Platform was launched following the 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns in the Basque Country. Supported by the City of Aalborg, Denmark, and The Basque Country, it focuses on the uptake of The Basque Declaration, which is the main outcome of the 8th European Conference on Sustainable Cities and Towns. The platform provides inspiring examples of Transformative Actions in line with The Basque Declaration.
European Conferences on Sustainable Cities & Towns
The 8th European Conference on Sustainable Towns & Cities is co-organised by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the Basque Government, Bizkaia County Council and Bilbao City Council, with the involvement of Udalsarea 21 - Basque Network of Municipalities for Sustainability, and the support of Araba County Council, Gipuzkoa County Council, Donostia/San Sebastián City Council and Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council.
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is the leading global network of over 1,500 cities, towns and regions committed to building a sustainable future. By helping the ICLEI Network to become sustainable, low-carbon, ecomobile, resilient, biodiverse, resource-efficient, healthy and happy, with a green economy and smart infrastructure, we impact over 25% of the global urban population.
More information: Sustainable Cities Platform: www.sustainablecities.euHabitat III side event:
24 de octubre de 2016
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Great news! #Euskadi is an example of #sustainability @Irekia -
18 de octubre de 2016
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La nueva Plataforma de Ciudades Sostenibles y la “Declaración Vasca”, en Hábitat III, Quito... -
18 de octubre de 2016
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RT @IngurumenEJGV: La nueva Plataforma de Ciudades Sostenibles y la “Declaración Vasca”, en Hábitat III, Quito...