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Aware of the grassroots use and importance of the social networks, we will publish here everything published in the Basque Country organised into the different listed sections.
El Lehendakari asiste a la cena anual del Museo Guggenheim Bilbao
The 13th Legislature of the Basque Government’s Ministers were officially sworn in.
El Lehendakari firma los decretos de nombramiento del nuevo Gobierno Vasco
Imanol Pradales assumed the duties of President of the Basque Country in a ceremony held in front of the Tree of Gernika.
El Lehendakari preside la reunión del Patronato del Museo Guggenheim Bilbao
El Lehendakari preside la toma de posesión de Nerea Melgosa como Consejera de Igualdad, Justicia y Políticas Sociales
The Lehendakari highlights the value of the Guggenheim Museum as a symbol of “openness, meeting and tolerance”