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Public sector politicians Economy, Labour and Employment

Alfonso Gurpegui Ruiz

Roles Start date - End date
Vice-minister of Employment and Inclusion from 2024-06-27
Other positions in recent legislatures:  
Vice-minister of Employment and Inclusion (Work and Employment) from 2021-01-30 to 2024-06-26
Vice-minister of Employment and Youth (Work and Employment) from 2021-01-23 to 2021-01-29
Director of Employment and Inclusion (Work and Employment) from 2020-09-11 to 2021-01-22
Vice-minister of Social Affairs (Employment and Social Affairs) from 2011-09-09 to 2012-12-19

The Vice-ministry of Employment and Inclusion is responsible for exercising its powers related to employment policy and vocational training for employment. This is notwithstanding the management, organisation and planning roles related to vocational training assigned to the Department of Education as well as the Income Security and Social Inclusion system.

Contact data
Email empleo@euskadi.eus
Telephone 945019370

Donostia-San Sebastian, 1, Lakua
01010, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Araba/Álava

Photo Alfonso Gurpegui Ruiz
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