News Presidency

The Basque Government participates in the AEBR General Assembly in Norway

2024 October 25
  • The General Assembly has expressed its concern in a Resolution about the negative impact of increased border controls on the daily life of cross-border territories

The Director for the EU took part in the annual General Assembly and conference of the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), which was held in Trysil (Norway).

Under the title "Building Security and Resilience in European Border Regions", AEBR members discussed at the annual conference the need for local and regional border authorities to maintain and strengthen different approaches to deal with successive crises, as well as the various challenges such as mobility, energy security and many other cross-border obstacles they face in many aspects of daily life.

They also raised concerns about the future of Cohesion Policy and Territorial Cooperation post 2027. In this regard, the General Assembly adopted a resolution highlighting the importance of the role of cross-border cooperation in the future of Cohesion Policy, opposing the centralisation of the management of these European funds and defending the bottom-up approach based on multilevel management models.

The General Assembly has also adopted a Resolution on the impact of border controls on cross-border cooperation, defending freedom of movement and highlighting the damage that stricter border controls cause to the daily life of cross-border territories.

The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) is an organisation of European regions whose mission is cross-border cooperation in Europe and beyond. The association's headquarters are in Gronau, Federal Republic of Germany. It also has a project office in Berlin and two information centres, one for Ukraine in Kharkov and one for the Balkans in Novi Sad. The association represents the respective common interests of its members vis-à-vis national and international parliaments, bodies, authorities and institutions.

Euskadi has been a member of AEBR for more than 30 years.

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