Premios Elkarlan Sariak
News Presidency

The Lehendakari, on the TAV and its connections: "We must take into account all the factors, because the economic development of Euskadi is at stake"

2024 September 2
  • Imanol Pradales gave an interview to Radio Euskadi, in which he referred to the issues that the Basque government will have to face during the current political year.
  • Regarding the Basque Health Pact, concerning which the first meeting with all the agents involved will be held this week, Pradales is confident that it will be addressed by those involved with a "constructive spirit."

This morning, the Lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, gave his first interview of the new political year on Radio Euskadi's Boulevard. During the interview, Pradales was asked about the different challenges that the Basque Government faces in the short to medium term.

Concerning the meeting he will hold on Wednesday with the President of Navarra, María Chivite, described as important by the Lehendakari, he stressed that "the relationship with Navarra is a priority.” In this regard, he highlighted the cultural and linguistic ties and the economic, road and transport connections that exist between the two regions.

Asked about the latter area, which shall be addressed by both leaders, and specifically about the construction work on the high-speed rail network and the two possibilities for connecting this network with the Autonomous Community, Vitoria-Gasteiz or Ezkio, Imanol Pradales stated that the Basque Government "is a crucial and decisive actor" in this infrastructure. He went on to explain that this issue will affect many generations, has an environmental, industrial and social impact and requires a multi-million euro investment. For this reason, the Lehendakari stressed that the Basque Government is "fully involved" in co-participating in the technical issues, both with the Government of Navarra and with the Ministry of Transport, because "all considerations must be taken into account.”

In this regard, Pradales asked the Ministry to provide the pertinent technical reports, as this will allow all the necessary factors and quantitative and qualitative details to be considered. "The decision must be taken with all factors taken into account, because the economic development of the Basque Country is at stake," he asserted, and he acknowledged that the various actors affected and involved must obtain this information.

The Basque Pact on Health

The Basque Health System was another of the areas that the Lehendakari addressed during the interview, which is also among the agenda commitments set for this first week of the political year. Specifically, he was asked about the Basque Pact on Health and the first meeting that will be held this Thursday, 5 September, with the agents involved and which he himself will chair. "All political and trade union organisations will be present—except for ELA, which has not yet confirmed that it will attend—, as well as the professional associations and the universities. It will be a very diverse meeting," he explained.

Regarding the matters to be addressed at the meeting, Imanol Pradales explained that three blocks will be dealt with. "On the one hand, we will seek a shared diagnosis of the Basque Health System, so on Thursday we will provide a document that will be submitted for debate, with the aim of making it available at the beginning of October. Once we have the diagnosis, we will define the principles that should govern the Basque Health Service and Osakidetza and draft a proposal that will be submitted for enrichment and improvement by the agents involved. Lastly, we will establish the main strategic lines for the future and the actions to be carried out," Pradales said.

Imanol Pradales hopes that those involved will address this process with a "constructive spirit.” It is expected to be completed in March of next year, and, in the words of the Lehendakari, it will be followed by governance. "We must follow up and evaluate the Pact after its approval."

Regarding this issue and the procedure, the Lehendakari has been blunt in assuring that he will not request a parliamentary moratorium that would delay the search for solutions to the needs of the health sector. "We cannot wait to do the things that need to be improved in Osakidetza," he stressed, and he mentioned needs such as reducing surgical waiting lists.

Pact for the exemplary exercise of politics in the Basque Country

The Lehendakari was also asked about the Pact presented last week to the Governing Council. Thus, in relation to the purpose of the document, Pradales stressed that "we have to improve the democratic model and culture daily and educate society as a whole.” He asserted that, although the climate of political tension present in other areas does not exist in Euskadi, "We must improve and protect the quality of political debate. Euskadi leads by example in this area.”

Imanol Pradales stated that "It would be good if there was also a political declaration on this debate."

Security and immigration

During the interview, questions concerning immigration and security in the Basque Country were also raised. Regarding the first question, the Lehendakari stated that "We are committed to the European legal framework and to human rights." He stated that he was against immediate returns, which he recalled were illegal, and stressed that immigration is a structural issue. For this reason, he argued, "a structural pact is needed.” He added that "solidarity on the part of everyone" is required, and "we are committed to tackling this issue".

He stressed that it is necessary to achieve an equitable distribution of these people, since "the Basque Country’s resources to receive arrivals are insufficient."

Regarding security, Imanol Pradales emphasised that the Basque Country is a safe country, although "in some areas, there is a perception of insecurity." He mentioned prevention and a zero-tolerance policy as essential to address this situation, and added that, with regard to the problem of people carrying knives, "We must tackle this issue head on and find a solution." In this regard, the Lehendakari reported that, since the Ertzaintza launched its special plan for the seizure of sharp objects in March 2023, more than 1,000 objects of this type have been seized.

Budgets for 2025

In economic terms, Pradales declared that, based on the data on net employment growth in the Basque Country, the CPI indicators, the drop in the EURIBOR and Germany’s economic recovery, there will be sufficient economic growth to increase revenue from the regional treasuries. For this reason, he expects the 2025 Budget to be a record.

  • Photo Xaver
    2024 September 4

    Ibilgailuen trafikoa trenbidearen alde ateratzea, batez ere salgaientzat, behar bezalako segurtasun eta logistikarekin.

  • Photo Xaver
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