The EU chooses a Basque Government pilot scheme in the creative industry
• Innova Creativy is one of the eight plans selected for the Pro Inno Europe community initiative, which aims to drive creative industry
• The Basque Government project will identify and strengthen the ties existing between the industrial sector and creative industry
• The Basque clusters will help to identify areas to be strengthened and showcased.
The European Union has chosen, along with a further seven project from other community countries, a scheme submitted by the Basque Government for the Pro Inno Europe initiative, which aims to foster the creative industry across the continent. This will allow the Basque Government, through its Department for Industry, Innovation, Trade and Tourism, to develop the +INNOVA CREATIVITY project, which consists of identifying and fostering relations between the industry and creative companies. The plan was unveiled today in Milan during the ceremony to launch the European Creative Industries Alliance - ECIA.
The European Creative Industry Alliance is a trail-blazing community initiative that provides a platform to exchange experiences in developing policies to foster the creative industry, and launch 8 pilot schemes, one of which is the +INNOVA CREATIVITY Project.
+INNOVA CREATIVITY, the Basque Government's project, is one of the eight selected and its objective is to promote the incorporation of new innovation procedures in the industrial sector of the Basque Autonomous Community, by means of incorporating services from the creative industry.
The project will be implemented in 2012 and 2013, and will be based on "Defining and implementing a voucher pilot scheme", which will back the provision of innovation and creativity services to the industrial companies of the BAC by leading European companies.
The objectives set by the Basque Government for the project are as follows:
• Identifying and characterising, with the support of the Basque clusters, the profile of the companies with potential demand for creative services, to be incorporated into its business and industrial processes.
• Identifying and preparing a Creative Industry Registry with companies from European creative industry centres of excellence.
• Defining a voucher programme that drives the adoption of innovative and creative solutions by means of providing specialised services.
• Facilitating the provision and acquisition of creative services by organising business encounters ("matching" encounters) among the suppliers of creative services and the industrial companies of the Basque Country.
• Identifying and disseminating the best practices identified during the running of the pilot scheme.
• Participating in international experience exchange events with other European stakeholders that have implemented or are currently developing similar activities, which will enable improvements to be pinpointed that can be considered in the future.
The project will enable part of the demand for creative services among industrial companies of the BAC to be characterised. Leading suppliers of creative services will be identified, business encounters to set up cooperation framework, and, finally, a voucher programme to be defined and implemented that supports the business structure to integrate creative services.
Vitoria-Gasteiz, 28 February 2012
2012 March 12
El mundo de la política y la administración no deja de sorprenderme.
Me entero de repente de que el Gobierno Vasco tiene un plan piloto sobre creatividad y su interconexión con la empresa vasca. Llevan años dándonos la espalda (faltándonos al respeto y despreciando lo que somos) y ahora una vuelta de tuerca más... ¿De qué va este plan? ¿Quién, por qué y para qué se pone en marcha? ¿Por qué los agentes del contexto no tenemos ni idea de que existe, ni se cuenta con nosotros tan siquiera para un posible contraste?
Desde este Gobierno Vasco se está hablando de industrias creativas (mal concepto para empezar, por muy de Europa que lo hayan exportado) desde los Dpto. de Economía, de Industria, además de desde su organismo SPRI, de Cultura... Y me temo que con muy poca coordinación entre todos, solapándose e incluso perjudicándose entre unos y otros.
Aunque no soy tan viejo, llevo muchos años metido en esto de la creatividad aplicada a la transformación (en sus distintas facetas y ámbitos), he visto pasar muchos equipos de gobierno (de ayuntamientos a ministerios) y la verdad, no he visto obrar con demasiada inteligencia, respeto, ni visión de futuro. Una auténtica pena!!
Mientras tanto, seguimos (a pesar de todo) trabajando e incluso ¿perdiendo? el tiempo en hacer un poco de pedagogía y tratar de tener cierta incidencia en las políticas públicas. -
2012 February 28
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