News Presidency

The Lehendakari presents Basque migration and reception policies to the European authorities and calls for the Basque language to become an official language

2024 January 29
  • On the first day of his official visit to Brussels, Iñigo Urkullu met with European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas, responsible for migration and asylum, who is also responsible for education and culture.
  • He requested European protection for Basque initiatives such as Aita Mari of Salvamento Marítimo Humanitario (Humanitarian Maritime Rescue) or the Zaporeak food kitchens in Lesbos.
  • After the meeting, the Lehendakari highlighted the “good receptivity” to Basque proposals

In the first of the meetings he plans to hold during his official trip to Brussels with top officials of the European Commission, the Lehendakari this afternoon presented the Basque model included in the Social Pact for Migration to Vice-President Margaritis Schinas, who is responsible for migration and asylum, and requested European protection for Basque initiatives such as those carried out by Aita Mari for maritime rescue, or the Zaporeak food kitchens in Lesbos.

Iñigo Urkullu also called on Vice-President Schinas, who is also responsible for education and culture, to make Basque official in the European Union and said that the European motto "united in diversity" offers the EU an opportunity to make this demand a reality.

After the meeting held in the Berlaymont Building, the headquarters of the European Commission, the Lehendakari highlighted the European official's "receptiveness" to the Basque proposals, as well as his "willingness to maintain a framework of collaboration in order to make progress towards a more integrated and integrating model of Europe".

On this occasion, the fifth trip Iñigo Urkullu has made to the European capital, the visit to Brussels aims to “place value” on the contributions made by Basque Country in the open processes on the future of Europe, and give thanks for the work of all the people working in Brussels alongside the Basque Government “in defence of the interests of Basque Country”.

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(XII term 2020 - 2024)