The Basque Government awards the René Cassin Human Rights Prize to the International Commission Against the Death Penalty (ICDP
- The ICDP works to prevent executions, eliminate unjust and arbitrary practices, develop alternatives to the death penalty and promote fairer and more humane penal systems
- The award will be presented by Commissioner Marta Santos Pais, an international human rights lawyer with more than 35 years of experience in human rights, children’s rights and international legal cooperation
- This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on 10 December 1948.
Vitoria-Gasteiz, 26/11/2023
The Basque Government will award the 2023 René Cassin Prize to the International Commission Against the Death Penalty (ICDP) “for its tireless fight for the abolition of the death penalty in all countries and regions of the world”. The decision was made by the ICDP jury, which praised the organisation’s work for the abolition of the death penalty and for a criminal justice system that respects and protects the dignity and human rights of all citizens around the world.
“Through awareness-raising, research, policy advocacy, technical assistance to States and cooperation with the United Nations, ICDP works persistently to prevent executions, eliminate unjust and arbitrary practices, develop alternatives to the death penalty and promote fairer and more humane penal systems,” the jury said.
The jury also found that the Commission’s work against the death penalty was "a strong and resounding defence of the first human right: the right to life. A right that is still flagrantly violated in many parts of the world.”
Marta Santos Pais1, who was the UN Secretary-General’s Special Representative on Violence against Children (2009-2019), will receive the award from Lehendakari Iñigo Urkullu and the Minister for Equality, Justice and Social Policy, Nerea Melgosa. Santos is an international human rights lawyer with more than 35 years of experience in human rights, children’s rights and international legal cooperation, and the author of numerous publications on international legal cooperation, the administration of justice, human rights and children’s rights.
The award will be presented at a special gala to be held on Monday 11 December at 12 noon at the Villa Suso Palace in the capital of Alava.
This edition of the René Cassin Prize coincides with a very special anniversary: the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on 10 December 1948.
2023 November 27
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✅ La ICDP trabaja para prevenir las ejecuciones, eliminar prácticas injustas y arbitrarias, plantear alternativas a la pena de muerte y fomentar sistemas penales más justos y humanitarios -
2023 November 27
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