Premios Elkarlan Sariak
News Presidency

The Basque Government strengthens social protection in housing in the Basque Country, incorporating new groups into the subjective right of access to housing

2023 October 10
  • The Basque Government is concerned about the situation of the Basques in Gaza and Israel and strongly condemns the attack perpetrated by Hamas, as well as Israel's subsequent announcement of war and the attacks carried out.

The spokesperson for the Basque Government and Minister for Culture and Language Policy, Bingen Zupiria, appeared at the usual press conference after the Governing Council meeting, together with the Minister for Territorial Planning, Housing and Transport, Iñaki Arriola.

Arriola, has presented the Decree of the subjective right of access to the occupation of a house approved today by the Governing Council. This decree regulates the requirements, conditions and procedures for the recognition of the Subjective Right to Housing (DSV) and allows access to social rental housing or, failing this, to an economic benefit that enables a monthly lease payment on the free market to those who have a contract of this type.


As usual, the spokesperson, Bingen Zupiria, provided information on other issues discussed in the Governing Council meeting, including the following:

With the help of the Presidency, and related to Youth, at today's meeting the Governing Council approved the allocation of 300,000 euros to local entities for the development of youth emancipation plans. Through this call, city councils will be able to develop plans for youth emancipation since this item allows city councils to know about the situation of youth in their municipality and identify those areas in which to promote or strengthen measures that facilitate their emancipation. Last year the 60,000 euros granted to city councils for this purpose was not enough and this year the call has quintupled its endowment.

Likewise, today's Governing Council meeting concluded an agreement between the Ertzaintza and Lanbide (police and professions) to collaborate in the safety of those working in the public service and prevent attempts at fraud. Under this four-year agreement, the police and professions will work together in two areas: safety analysis and the organisation of professional headquarters and facilities, risk assessment and periodic review, as well as the development of appropriate procedures to ensure the safety of the people who work in them. The police, within the scope of the functions that correspond to it in the field of judicial police, will also be responsible for the detection of irregularities in matters related to the municipal register, specialised training, training on the protection of victims of gender violence as well as to respond to those demands when reports are requested on the recipients of social benefits.

The Governing Council has also approved seven direct grants to cooperation organizations for just over 1,500,000 euros. Through these grants, eLankidetza - the Basque Development Cooperation Agency - will contribute to the empowerment of women in Central America and Africa, to the promotion of new masculinities in Arab countries, to solar energy initiatives in Africa and to peace processes in several countries of the South, among others.

Finally, regarding the Department of Culture, the Government has given the green light to the collaboration agreement between the Basque Government and the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA) to promote productions in Basque . “The purpose of the Agreement, which has been negotiated since 2019, is to promote the production, distribution, exhibition and dissemination of the film and audiovisual industry in Basque, for which the ICAA has transferred almost 650,000 euros to the Basque Government corresponding to the investment made in the Basque Country in 2023 for the promotion of the production, distribution, exhibition and audiovisual dissemination in Basque. This fund was already endowed with 2,400,000 euros, so, with a fund transferred by the ICAA, it reaches 3,230,000 euros, of which 800,000 euros will go to Basque production,” Zupiria explained.

Finally, the spokesman was asked about the Basques in Gaza and Israel. Zupiria expressed his concern and indicated that they are in permanent contact with both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Spanish consulate in Tel Aviv so that the necessary measures are taken with respect to the people who are in these areas. Zupiria has also strongly condemned both the attack perpetrated by Hamas, as well as Israel's subsequent war announcement and subsequent attacks carried out.

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