Premios Elkarlan Sariak
News Presidency

The Basque Government considers acts of violence in sports competitions unacceptable

2023 May 23
  • The Government advocates a joint response to this type of events by promoting education in the form of training pills

The spokesperson of the Basque Government and minister of Culture and Linguistic Policy, Bingen Zupiria, has appeared at the usual press conference after the Governing Council.

In relation to the violent acts that have been observed in the field of sports competitions, spokesperson Bingen Zupiria, on behalf of the Basque Government, has conveyed the most resounding condemnation of this type of events. “These behaviours are totally inadmissible. They show a serious lack of respect towards rival teams and towards people”, he said. 

Zupiria also stressed that these sports figures are role models for young people and that the example being set is the opposite of what a sporting competition and sporting activity should be. 

In view of these facts, Basque institutions, together with the federations, are promoting various actions aimed at education and training. As the minister explained, the cases that occur in the committees for the prevention of violence are being analysed and a monitoring system has been set up to create training pills to help deal with these events. “This requires maximum collaboration between institutions, federations, clubs and referees,” he added. 

If we analyse the data of recent years, the number of incidents that are occurring are similar to those that were counted before the pandemic, but they are still many. According to the latest analysis, 1 in 20 encounters show behaviour that should not be acceptable. It has also been noted that many of these incidents occur in matches and games that take place at the end of the league season, especially when promotion or relegation is at stake. 

“It is necessary to continue acting. It is necessary that all those involved in sport pay close attention to this issue and that we extend this exercise of analysis, training and correction to as many sporting disciplines as possible, as well as insisting through information campaigns and events on the seriousness of this type of event”, concluded the spokesperson. 


As usual, the spokesperson, Bingen Zupiria, provided information on other issues discussed in the Governing Council meeting, including the following:

On the one hand, the Lehendakari has informed the Governing Council about the actions being promoted to support and strengthen youth organisations , especially those linked to educational leisure time. Firstly, information was provided on the calls for applications for grants for youth organisations, totalling 1.2 million euros, which will be distributed through three calls for applications: programmes and activities in the field of youth, activities aimed at mobility or youth exchanges and grants for local initiatives to promote emancipation. The system of support for educational leisure time groups designed jointly by Euskadiko Gazteriaren Kontseilua (EGK) and Astialdi Sarea is also being deployed, and the activities carried out by youth associations that contribute to boosting social, cultural and recreational life in their environment will be supported. According to the spokesperson, the total amount of all this aid will be 1.7 million euros and the government wants to recognise once again the work of these youth organisations that allow young people to become actively involved in society and take on responsibilities, at the same time as they receive an education in democratic and participatory values and attitudes.

The Lehendakari also reminded the Council meeting that at this very moment the Secretary General for the European Union and External Action, Marian Elorza, is chairing, on his behalf, the General Assembly being held by the Atlantic Arc Commission in Cardiff (Wales) and that it is a decisive Assembly given that the Declaration to be put to the vote establishes the configuration of the Atlantic Macroregion, coinciding with the Spanish Presidency of the European Union in the second half of the year.

In addition, today’s meeting gave the green light to the signing of an agreement between the Basque Government and the Associations of Pharmacists of Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa to facilitate the management of medicines in the Ertzain-etxea with the aim of guaranteeing the health and well-being of people detained in Ertzaintza facilities and facilitating the administrative management of the provision of these medicines. As Zupiria explained, the agreement, which is part of the common interest in guaranteeing the health and well-being of people in police custody.

Through the Department of Labour and Employment, the Government has approved aid worth 835,000 euros to promote the social economy through the consolidation of the associative structures of companies and organisations, and the dissemination of Corporate Social Responsibility. It has also given the green light to the call for applications for aid for the dissemination and implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in companies in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.

Linked to the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment, on the one hand, the Government has approved aid worth 80,000 euros for the purchase or improvement of accommodation for seasonal workers on farms in the Basque Country; and, on the other hand, the Government has decided to allocate 105,000 euros to the ITSASORATU Programme to facilitate student training stays on fishing vessels for students on nautical-fishing training courses. 

In the field of education, the Governing Council has agreed to increase by 2 million euros the amount for financing the call for grants and study aids for the enrolment of students at non-university levels for the 2022-2023 academic year. This extension is necessary in order to attend to all the applications that meet the requirements to access these grants, to the applications with an amendment to the grant and to the appeals pending to be resolved. With this new extension, the total amount of the call for grants for this academic year is 72,500,000 euros.

Finally, the Governing Council has approved the collaboration agreement with the Provincial Council of Araba and the City Council of Vitoria-Gasteiz for the refurbishment and extension of the Teatro Principal Antzokia in the capital of Alava. The planned cost is 12 million euros to be executed in the period 2023-2026, which will make it possible to modernise the theatre in order to provide the city with greater scenic possibilities and make it a safer, more accessible and comfortable place. Bingen Zupiria stressed that, in the Government’s opinion, this project is a great opportunity to continue expanding and improving the range of cultural offerings in Vitoria-Gasteiz, as it will offer added value to Basque society and will also have an impact on the city's socio-economic environment by providing it with a modern space with greater stage capacity and accessibility.

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  • 2023 May 24

    Yo también quiero expresar mi más rotunda condena

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