News Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment

The Basque Government promotes advanced management and innovation with the delivery of the "Euskalit" awards to 25 organizations

2022 December 14
  • Ministers Mrs Arantxa Tapia, Mrs Gotzone Sagardui and Mrs Beatriz Artolazabal have participated this afternoon in the gala held at the Kursaal Conference Centre, in Donostia-San Sebastián
  • Eight Basque organizations will represent the Basque Country in the international phase of the QIA 2022 awards, among 500 candidatures from all over the world in Kazakhstan, in 2023


The Ministers Arantxa Tapia (Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment), Beatriz Artolazabal (Equality, Justice and Social Policies), Gotzone Sagardui (Health) and Jorge Arevalo (Education), have participated this afternoon in the award ceremony of the Basque Awards for Advanced Management, awarded annually by the Basque Government through EUSKALIT, Foundation for the promotion of Advanced Management in Basque organizations. 

José Luis Díaz, president of the Euskalit board of trustees, together with the director of Euskalit, Patxi Pardo, together with and Gorka Iturriaga (Director of Physical Activity and Sports of the Basque Government) also participated in the event presented by Xabier Usabiaga. At the meeting, awards given to eight organizations that will represent the Basque Country in Kazakhstan at the Quality Innovation Award - QIA 2022.


The Basque Award for Advanced Management recognizes the most advanced organizations with the best management practices in the Basque Country. It´s divided into three categories.

The BASQUE AWARD for ADVANCED MANAGEMENT: the highest award for management in the Basque Country, only accessible to those who have obtained Gold in previous editions in the "A" Recognitions for Advanced Management, and have passed a specific external evaluation in an element of management:  Elika Fundazioa, Santa María Artagan School, Somorrostro Training Center and the OSI Tolosaldea / Osakidetza.

The “A” RECOGNITIONS for ADVANCED MANAGEMENT, in the Silver category: to the company Industrial Prosertek, S.L, and the educational centers Axular Lizeoa Koop Elkartea, El Regato Ikastetxea and the Ave María Ikastetxea School. The bronze A for: Labekoa Industrial, S.L, Talleres Arrieta, S.A, Codesyntax, Neurtek Instruments and Intermodal Forwarding, S.L in the industrial sector; Eragintza Foundation in the “Third social sector”; the Unión Deportiva la Merced and Artxandako Mertzedetarrak Kirol Kluba in the sports sector and for Gernika-Lumoko Turismo Bulegoa in the tourist area. These recognitions give access to the Advanced Management Club, which brings together a select group of organizations that share the objective of exchanging information and knowledge among their members, to continue advancing in the improvement of their management.

The ADVANCED MANAGEMENT DIPLOM: awarded to 38 entities after submitting to EUSKALIT's external contrast, demonstrating their commitment to developing the elements that make up Advanced Management.

The QIA 2022 Basque finalists have been OSI TOLOSALDEA / Osakidetza, ITP Aero, Cyber Surgery, Somorrostro, Nazareth and Zabalburu Vocational Training, UPV/EHU (Student Management), Spouted Bed Solutions, RKL Integral and Rubi Stamping. These entities will represent the Basque Country at the 2022 Quality Innovation Award, competing in this international phase. Today they have received recognition as winners of the local or basque phase.


EUSKALIT is one of the 20 international partners that make up the Organizing Committee of the Quality Innovation Award (QIA), a recognition of the management and promotion of innovation. This competition created in 2007 by Excellence Finland to stimulate the emergence and development of product, process or organizational innovations, and in the Basque Country, it has the collaboration of Innobasque, Unibasq and Ihobe for the dissemination and evaluation of the candidacies.

Euskalit is a group of organizations set up as a Foundation, promoted by the Basque Government, to promote Advanced Management and thus contribute to the competitiveness and innovative capacity, and to the sustainable development of the Basque Country, providing usefulness, efficiency and closeness.

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Politicians attending the event
(XII term 2020 - 2024)
Other guests
  • José Luis Díaz, president of the Euskalit board of trustees, Patxi Pardodirector of Euskalit