News Employment and Social Policies

Raising opportunities for young people in rural and remote areas: The Council adopts conclusions

2020 May 26


  • The proposal coincides with the common position expressed by the Basque Government, agreed by all the Autonomous Communities, before the EPSCO Council of European Ministers of Employment and Social Policies
  • Promotes social entrepreneurship, as well as different employment opportunities in agricultural activities

Brussels 2020 05 26

The Council adopted by written procedure conclusions on raising opportunities for young people in rural and remote areas. The conclusions recognise that the EU's population is ageing, particularly in rural and remote areas. On the other hand, urbanisation is identified as one of the current key drivers for change, with a significant impact on various EU policies. These trends lead to the need to ensure in rural and remote areas better availability and accessibility of public and commercial services, quality jobs and education, digital and physical infrastructures, public transportation, leisure time activities.

The measures included in the initiative coincide with the common position expressed by the Department of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government agreed by all the Autonomous Communities before the EPSCO Council of European Ministers of Employment and Social Policies.

The conclusions invite member states to promote approaches aimed at reducing inequalities between urban and remote/rural areas and to develop cross-sectoral measures which reflect the views and perspective of young people in rural and remote areas.

The conclusions promote entrepreneurship, including social entrepreneurship as well as different employment opportunities within agricultural and other economic activities. Member states are invited to encourage young people to become and remain involved in the life of local communities through different means of active citizenship, such as volunteering and solidarity activities. Member states and the Commission are also invited to promote synergies between EU programmes and initiatives such as Erasmus+, European Solidarity Corps, European Social Fund and the Youth Guarantee.

Lastly, the conclusions invite the youth sector to raise awareness among young people and the general population in rural and remote areas with regard to the opportunities within their local communities.



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(XI term 2016 - 2020)