Minister Beatriz Artolazabal highlights "the example of solidarity and dedication that Basque youth show to Europe in the face of the suffering of many people"
- With Ander Añibarro, director of Youth, and Deputy Minister Marcos Muro, she delivers the passages and documentation to 99 Basque cooperators who this summer participate in different projects of 20 NGDOs in America, Asia and Africa.
- During three months they will help in the provision of water and sanitation, education, childhood, empowerment and training of women, health, elderly people, and infrastructures.
- Artolazabal: "Young women represent Basque Cooperating Youth"
VG 2018 VI 26
Beatriz Artolazabal, Minister of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government highlighted this afternoon "the example of solidarity and dedication that the Basque youth shows to Europe in a few days in which there are some expressions of selfishness before the suffering of many people."
Along with Ander Añibarro, director of Youth, Artolazabal delivered this evening at the Basque Government headquarters in Lakua, Vitoria-Gasteiz, the passages and documentation to 99 Basque cooperators who this summer will participate in different NGO projects in America, Asia and Africa. Of the 99 volunteers who will participate this summer in various projects of the Basque NGDOs in Africa, Asia and America, 78 are women who express their vocation of solidarity and professionalism ".
The activities in which the group of Basque Country cooperators will participate for three months will focus on: water and sanitation provisions, education for children, training for women, infrastructure, health training, care for the elderly, and preparation of education centers . The countries of destination of the various projects of the NGDOs are Colombia, Peru, the Philippines, Guatemala, Honduras, Bolivia, Ecuador, India, Haiti, Mexico, the Philippines, Senegal, Mozambique, Cameroon and Mexico.
The hundred young people have been selected from among almost 700 volunteers who have held various meetings during the weekends developed in winter in the Alava town of Barria with those responsible for the projects.
The Non-Governmental Organizations for Development that organize the aid projects supported by the Basque Government are: Passionist Sisters, Serso San Viator of Euskal Herria, World Rural Forum, Ayuda Más Foundation, Xenofobiaren Aurka Taldea, Berdinak gara, Solidaridad Internacional, Haurralde Fundación , Youth and Development Foundation, Architects Without Borders, Benito Menni Foundation, Medicus Mundi Bizkaia, Ayuda en Acción, Hegoaizia, Manuel Iradier Africanist Association, Taupadak, Southern Mozambique, Juan Ciudad Fundazioa GGKE and the Youth and Development Foundation.