News Employment and Social Policies

Minister Beatriz Artolazabal presents a budget project of 1,005.6 million euros focused on employment, family, social cohesion, elderly and youth

2017 November 7
  • Parliamentary presentation of the 2018 budget of the Department of Employment and Social Policies
  • Five fundamental objectives: employment and reduction of unemployment; social cohesion and solidarity; family, childhood and the elderly; Third Social Sector and Youth
  • For the first time, one billion euros is exceeded and 0.7% higher than the previous one
  • Within the eight main programs are devoted to Employment Structure and Support and Social Policies: 20.8 million euros; Social Inclusion: 516.6 million euros; Immigration: 4.0 million; Social Services: 33.0 million; Family and Community Policy: 66.1 million; Employment: 241.5 million; Youth: 7.7 million and Training: 116.0 million euros
  • New Strategic Employment Plan with measures for the maintenance and creation of employment and the increase of employability
  • The objectives of the Basque Employment Strategy 2020 are: activation, qualification and skills, generation of opportunities, equality in those opportunities and quality employment
  • For the measures aimed at the Protection and Support of Families and Children, 64.1 million euros are consolidated


Vitoria-Gasteiz, 2017 11 07

The Minister of Employment and Social Policies of the Basque Government, Mrs. Beatriz Artolazabal, has encrypted the budget project of her department for the year 2018 in 1,005,696,468 euros (without chapter of personnel). For the first time it exceeds one billion euros and is 0.7% higher than the previous one. "The project has five main objectives: employment and reduction of unemployment; social cohesion and solidarity; family, family and work conciliation and support for children and diversity; inclusion of the Third Social Sector; promotion of the elderly and active aging; and the emancipation of youth" has detailed Beatriz Artolazabal.

 The basque Minister has presented the economic lines of her Department to the Deputy Minister of Employment and Youth, Marcos Muro, the Deputy Minister of Social Policies, Lide Amilibia, the General Director of Lanbide, Borja Belandia and the Director of Services, Iñaki Arrizabalaga.

 "The budget project that I present affects five fundamental objectives of the Basque Government's action in terms of employment and reduction of unemployment; youth employment, of women and of long-term unemployed people; training for employment; social cohesion and solidarity; family, family and work conciliation and a new family agreement; support for children and diversity; support to the Third Social Sector, inclusion of people with disabilities; promotion of our elderly and active aging; and the emancipation and empowerment of our youth" has listed Minister Artolazabal.


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    2017 November 8

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